Press & Contact

Here you can find all the different news, articles and videos related to Jackie-T and Brasslips©!

Brasslips - Jackie T

Performed by Jackie-T

Check out the latest single released by Jackie-T! Watch the videoclip below.

Brasslips single

Performed by Jackie-T

First impressions -

Have a look at how people react when they try out Brasslips for the first time! 

It’s always so great to see the surprising faces of people who feel their lips vibrate for the first time and also how they need to manage their breathing!

Cleaning Brasslips

Cleaning Brasslips© is extremely simple yet very important after every workout session. 

You can easily clean Brasslips© with water and no soap is needed. Have a look at the video in which Jackie-T demonstrates how easy it is to wash your Brasslips!

Contact us!

Do you have any media inquiries or requests about Brasslips or Jackie-T?

Please contact us via